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Where Read Dragon Ball Culture Volume 3: Battle PDF by VXU

Download Dragon Ball Culture Volume 3: Battle

Details of Book
Name : Dragon Ball Culture Volume 3: Battle
ISBN : 1943149062
Number of pages : 270 pages


Review Derek Padula's brilliant Dragon Ball Culture books are well-researched and written in a formal but still accessible manner, providing insight on the culture, themes, and history that influenced the story and world of Dragon Ball. Mr. Padula's books are excellent pieces for any Dragon Ball fan looking to dig deeper into the essence of the franchise, and I highly recommend them. - Read more From the Back Cover Volume 3 of 7Let the battle begin! Read more About the Author Derek Padula is the author of The Dao of Dragon Ball website and book series; the first to reveal the deep history, philosophy, and cultural roots of the world's #1 anime and manga. Derek's journey begins when he sees the Dragon Ball anime in 1997. His love for the series inspires him to start martial arts training in Shaolín gongfu, taiji-quán, qigong, karate, and Falun Dafa meditation. He earns his B.A. in East Asian Studies and a minor in Chinese from Western Michigan University. Then he studies abroad in Beijing, China where he trains with the Buddhist Shaolin monks and a Daoist taiji sword master. After returning home he begins his life's work. He is now an authority on Dragon Ball and loves to share his understanding of this profound series that changes lives. Read more See more

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